AstuVet is a powerful platform designed specifically for veterinarians, providing them with a wide range of opportunities to learn, communicate, and share knowledge. With features like AstuEdu training materials, calculators for dosages and medication schedules, and 3D models that vividly illustrate diseases, AstuVet is an essential tool for veterinarians who want to stay on top of their field. Platform is optimized for tablets and mobile devices, providing veterinarians with easy access to the platform from anywhere and at any time.

AstuTV is a section within the Astuvet platform offering instructional videos for veterinary professionals. It covers a variety of topics, including surgical techniques, case studies, and treatment approaches, providing valuable educational resources for vets looking to enhance their knowledge and skills.

AstuVet's advanced calculators help veterinarians provide precise and effective care. The blood analysis calculator quickly analyzes blood test results, while the dosage and constant rate infusion calculators accurately calculate the amount of medication needed for each patient.

AstuEdu is a valuable resource for veterinarians looking to grow professionally. It offers various training events, conferences, and both offline and online meetings to help vets stay informed and connect with peers.

3D Models
With 3D models, veterinarians can see exactly how a condition affects an animal's body, making it easier to diagnose and explain complex medical concepts to clients. New veterinarians can use the models to familiarize themselves with common conditions and learn how to identify them in real-world scenarios.

By using AstuVet, veterinarians can improve their patient outcomes, enhance their professional skills, and provide the best possible care to their clients and their patients.